Test the iPhone XR camera. Press the button to take pictures, it doesn't respond, we tried several times, it's still not respond. Switch it to front camera, it reacts slowly, press the button to take pictures, it's also won't take pictures and store pictures.
Disassemble the iPhone XR. Use screwdrivers to remove the screws at the bottom of the iPhone display screen, and the put it on the CPB Screen Heating Pad to heat the screen, after a while, we can open the iPhone display screen, and then remove the iPhone display screen.

Use digital multimeter to measure the resistance value and voltage of the iPhone camera circuit, they all normal. Next we try to fix it by replacing a new iPhone Nand flash.
Remove the iPhone XR motherboard, attach it to the MJ A22+ PCB fixture, and then use Phonefix 861DW hot air rework station and BGA graver to remove the iPhone XR Nand Flash.

Now we need to install the new iPhone Nand flash to the motherboard. Apply some solder paste to the solder pad, put iPhone Nand flash in the right position, and then use DES H95 5 IN 1 rework station to blow it.

Finally, assemble the iPhone XR.
Hope the repair method in this article is helpful to you. If you have other better repair methods, please leave a message in the comments.